Upgrade to new version

For all Docker-based deployments, update the docker tag, for example dekartxyz/dekart:0.15->dekartxyz/dekart:0.16`

Migration instructions

dekartxyz/dekart:0.15 -> dekartxyz/dekart:0.16 No breaking changes, just update the docker tag. New Postgres migrations will be applied on the first run.

dekartxyz/dekart:0.14 -> dekartxyz/dekart:0.15 No breaking changes, just update the docker tag. New Postgres migrations will be applied on the first run.

dekartxyz/dekart:0.13 -> dekartxyz/dekart:0.14

No breaking changes, just update the docker tag. New Postgres migrations will be applied on the first run.

dekartxyz/dekart:0.12 -> dekartxyz/dekart:0.13

No breaking changes, just update the docker tag.

dekartxyz/dekart:0.11 -> dekartxyz/dekart:0.12

Configure DEKART_CORS_ORIGIN environment variable to ensure the security of your instance and prevent warnings in logs.

Then redeploy application

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