
Why We Stopped using OpenStreetMap and switched to Overture Maps

Efficient way to access and work with spatial data in the cloud.

by Vladi ‐ 4 min read

Compare and optimize BigQuery and Snowflake performance on GIS queries. Part 2.

Geometry-in-Polygon Query with dynamic geometry.

by Vladi ‐ 5 min read

Compare BigQuery and Snowflake performance on GIS queries.

Geometry-in-Polygon Query.

by Vladi ‐ 2 min read

ST_ Prefix in SQL: A Tale of Time, Space, and Standardization

What exactly ST_ means in SQL?

by Vladi ‐ 2 min read

Admin Boundaries in BigQuery Public Datasets

Fetch Countries, States, Zip codes and City Districts Geography from BigQuery Public Datasets

by Vladi ‐ 6 min read